Below are our articles on the subject of Subcontracting. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Be Professional Throughout Your Build Project
When building your own home there are several points to be taken into account while remaining professional throughout the build....

Buying a Kit House
Timber framed homes are ideal for the self-builder as he has the support of the manufacturer, the speed of the build and a beautiful home to look forward to....

Employing a Builder for Your Self Build Project
Your chosen builder should be someone you feel comfortable with and by the end of the build would be someone you would invite to your housewarming party and recommend…...

Health and Safety when Building Your Own Home
With a little thought and organisation your self-build site should be a safe place to work....

Managing Your Self Build
Managing a self-build efficiently will not only save money but will allay any frustration and ensure that the house is built on time....